That's right, it's FINALS WEEK every one, the one week where we actually study like no tomorrow.
So what does that mean? Besides lots of Starbucks (Double-Shot Espresso) Monster energy drinks mixed with RedBull and some Adderall on the side. You know that sort of thing.
But like every college student needs a place to just relax, and put allt he crazy-ness that Finals week comes with behind with the help of these wonderfully helpful tips.
The BEST noise canceling headphones:

There is no need for an explanation for this one. Any moment not spent studying are well worth a moment of precious sleep. Remember this and you will be 100% less stressed once you wake up. (As long as you don't sleep past 15-30 hr because then you will feel like groggy & like complete crap. Trust me on this one.
There is no better cure for writers block for a paper when it comes ti music. It's always worked for me, and I can only hope it will wokr for you too. Here are some recommendations. Enjoy! =) - Sweet Disposition by the Temper Trap - Unkown but it's great. Trust me. - Pure ambiance sound, beautiful and 100% effective.
Scenic Photos!
Beautiful right? Tell me you don't feel at least a little more motivated enough to get through this hell week and actually see places like this!
Breathe! and try to stay POSITIVE!
Having a crappy attitude during this week is to be expected, but trying to get enough sleep and relax when you can definitely improves your overall essence, and will make you feel more in control of whatever exam/project/paper you MUST finish.After all once you are finished with it all, there is Winter Break and all that good stuff to look forward to. It's not like the world would have moved on without you during the whole process.
And feel more like this::
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